For centuries, mankind has reshaped our world with every step it has taken. In this live performance, Liam Young will visualize our imaginary future, like a sci-fi safari.


Zorlu PSM (Sky Lounge)


20-21 October 2022


The Digilogue Summit program will include a live performance titled ‘Planet City and the Return of Global Wilderness’ by architect and director Liam Young, who visualizes the cities, places and scenes of our imaginary future for the film and television industry. After centuries of colonization, globalization and endless economic extraction, mankind has recreated the world from the cell scale to the tectonic plate. It will cover the life of 10 billion people on a science fiction safari in an imaginary city, where the rest of the world is surrendered to a global-scale wilderness, and for the entire population of the world.


Liam Young


BAFTA nominee Young is an artist who works between design, fiction and the future. He was introduced by the BBC as “the man who designed our future”. His visionary films provide both the extraordinary images of tomorrow and a speculative perspective on the environmental problems we face today. As an artist who designs the world, he visualizes cities and spaces with his films. These films have premiered on Channel 4, Apple+, SxSW, Tribeca, New York Metropolitan Museum, Royal Academy, Venice Biennale, the BBC and the Guardian. And his films have been acquired by international museums such as the MET, the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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